Random Midnight Thoughts
It's been forever since I've written on here. Tonight, I was reading a blog from a couple that's traveling the world as I looked for information on my next destination in the Exploration to Find Self. I found myself reading their blog as the witching hour approached and as I am wont to do late at night or in the early morning hours, I started to ruminate on life and on the little things that hold significance for only a few or maybe just for me. Thus, tonight's entry was born.
I've been following my sister's other blog, The World According to Em, for a bit now and it's making me think. Firstly, Em's a lot better writer than I used to give her credit for; seriously, she's really good. I think somewhere in the last few years she discovered her written voice per say. I wish that I could find a way for hundreds of people to follow her. I hear about these individuals that are discovered for writing about following a cookbook or about creating an idiotic dance and preforming it around the world and I think that Em is better than all of them! So why can't someone discover her?
Secondly, from reading the blogs of family and of strangers, I get the sense that it's kind of nice being able to write down the little things that happen in your life from time to time that remind you that you're really living. Whether that living is slow and arduous or whether it's fast paced and ever-changing is up to the individual, but living is better than just being. There are so many random occurrences that happen out there everyday and in this world of mass communication and the inherent need to share even the smallest details of our lives with the whole of the planet, blogging seems very appealing. Even if only one person reads what you write and your words have some sort of impact on them, then it means that your thoughts matter, and by extension, you matter. Blogs are diary with missing keys...they're ways for people to pry into the lives of others: their friends, celebrities, strangers on the bus, travel companions, etc. They're ways to be voyeurs into lives we covet or lives we're interested in, but would never lead ourselves. Blogs our the books of the current generation. We get lost in the dreams of other through flowing words of colored ink on a lit up screen. Non-fiction in bite-sized increments dished out like second and third helpings of Grandma's secret recipe casserole are the new dime store paperback and the vote is still out on whether that's for the best. But seeing as I'm adding my own ramblings to the media airwaves, I don't know how much of an impartial judge I can be.
Who cares if you're an 'impartial judge' or not? I take comfort knowing that there's someone else on the planet encrypting their thoughts into binary code and sending it out to the masses. The fact that you also record your adventures in nerd-tastic detail makes me all sorts of happy too. Have fun Robby!
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