Monday, August 18, 2008

A Quick Heads Up

For those loyal fans that are still out there, or at least the ones that are bored enough to sometimes remember to check here for additional posts, this is a quick heads up that there will be some long and hopefully interesting posts in the near future.

As most of the people out there that know Em and I can well attest, we've never been one's to stay in one place for a long period of time without at least yearning to spread our proverbial wings and take off for newer and more exotic realms. So in true Sinical fashion, these crazy twins will be taking flight to Peru for approximately three and a half weeks. We will spend the first eight days of our trip guidelessly, tourlessly, and most likely cluelessly exploring the northern area of Peru (only a small portion of it though unfortunately). After that we will spend another 14 days as part of a "sheep" tour as we crisscross the country from the capital city of Lima, to the Amazon, to Cuzco and Manchu Picchu, down to Lake Titicaca, and culminating in the highest capital city in the world, La Paz, Bolivia.

So hold your breath in anticipation and check back in another week for hopefully the first of many installments. And for those of you who know I tend to get long winded and add tedious details, I give you permission to skim.


At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm first in line & looking forward to pictures too!


At 9:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woo-hoo! Trip post!! :D Have fun!


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