Monday, March 26, 2007

Moving on in the World

I figured that this was the easiest way to get the message to all those people that I don't talk too that often, but that I don't want to forget or leave out:

The Search Begins Again

My current search for the perfect job (or at least anything that would have me and was in a field that I cared something for) led me to apply to pretty much every forensic science/criminalist posting that I saw advertised. This in turn led to a last minute (literally the day before it was due) submission to the Santa Barbara Sheriff's Department for the position of Forensic Technician. Santa Barbara turned out to be one of the few police agencies out there that believes in accomplishing tasks in a somewhat timely manner and so within two weeks of submitting my application I found out that I'd made it past the initial stage to one where someone might actually look at my application and not just throw it in the discard pile. A few general emails pleading with candidates to stop calling for information and a few more weeks granted me an interview date and time. From 50 candidates to 12, I was moving up in the world.

Getting There

My aunt and uncle were nice enough to supply me with food, shelter, and one of the best Scrabble games I've had in a long time; as I crashed at their lovely home the night before journeying to Santa Barbara for what I believed would be just another interview. Six AM came way too soon and with it I was up, showered, fed and on the road. I made great time (one of the advantages of driving mid-morning down US 101) and arrived with just enough time to take a small nap, get lost, find the place I was supposed to be, realized that they were behind schedule, leave and grab a bite to eat, and get back to sit for 45 minutes. During the wait I meet one of the other candidates, who had driven in from New Mexico that morning. She was really nice and listing to her talk about working as an intern mainly on fingerprints, I got even more nervous (which is typical right before an interview, or speech, or pretty much anything of importance), and began to think that this was going to be another interview for practice sake only.

The Suspense Builds and I’m Adding Drama for Dramas Sake

A half hour later than previously arranged, I was led thorough the maze that is one of the many Santa Barbara Sheriff buildings into a conference room with three stern looking men. I've come to the conclusion that three is the only number that criminalist interviewers seem to know, as every interview I've been to has contained three interviewers. After a few pleasantries we got down to the real questions that they were interested in. As is usual with me, I gradually got less nervous the longer the interview continued, which I think was partly due to the fact that two of the interviewers struck me as very nice, sincere, and not like they were just listening to get it over with (I was after all the 7th or 8th person that they'd had to talk to that day). The questions were numerous and I began to understand why they had been behind in the schedule (but at the same time I was wondering why they weren't even further behind at this point in the day). We ended up talking for about an hour and I had a feeling that I had done well (I hadn't said anything completely stupid for once...which was probably a first...even though I went into what my dad calls the "Professor Mode" a bit and was surprised that they didn't think I was completely crazy).

Being a Kiss Ass

After the interview I volunteered to try a fingerprint comparison test that they were hesitant to even mention because I didn't really have any prior experience with doing those. But they vaguely mentioned it and I decided to get it a shot considering that it couldn't really hurt and it might give me an idea of whether I'd actually be any good at this or not. Literally 1.5 or 2 hours later I was still looking at the prints they gave me trying to decide if it was possible to have 5 "none of the above"'s when there were only five questions. I wrote a short note on the test that said, "thanks for the interview and for letting me attempt this test thingy" (maybe using slightly different language), and left. Glancing at my watch as I returned to my car I was shocked to realize that three hours had gone by since I'd originally arrived. That's not typical.

I spent the weekend in LA visiting with Em, my cousin Daniel, and another relative that turned 80 (I hope that I'm as well off as he is when I get to be that young). The nice thing about going to interviews in So Cal is that I can just jump over for a visit while I'm down there. Pretty nice package all in one weekend I say.

The Stunning Conclusions (Like You Haven’t Already Figured it Out?)

So today is Monday, March 26th, 2007, the only date that I remember the main interviewer talking about when I went down to Santa Barbara two weeks ago. I figured that a letter would be sent in the mail like all the other agencies did and that I'd find out how I did in a few days time. Santa Barbara decided that they change things up a bit (or maybe it was just because ogf how I placed). After coming back from lunch and deciding to crack down a bit on my day's work I received a phone call from a Private number. I turned out to be the Sergeant that was in charge of the Forensic department and after a nice juicy suspense filled "Would you like to know how you placed?" followed by a long pause and a hesitant "please" from me, I was informed that I place first out of the remaining 12 candidates.

So for anyone that needs it spelled out in plain English, I will be moving to Santa Barbara, CA to work as a Forensic Technician (which is an ugly name for a CSI/fingerprint technician), contingent upon passing a background investigation first though. So anyone one of you that is reading this that was an old roommate or employer or person that thinks they'll end up linked to me on a background check please be forewarned that someone will most likely be calling you in the next few months. Feel free to tell them whatever you crack habit, the selling of small children for pocket change, my rare fascination with space monkeys...everything but my obsession with books or the fact that I actually like might be too much information for them to handle.

If all goes well I assume that I'll be moving down there in the middle to late summer...if anyone is going to be around and wants to help you are more than happy to come along. Also if anyone knows anything about the area and where I should start looking for an apartment that would be very helpful. Till next post...this is one giddy chick signing off....