Pit Stop: Los Angeles
So I've finally done it. I quit my job, packed up my house and set out to explore the world with just the stuff I could fit in my car (and with a Volvo station wagon that's actually a lot of stuff). I'm currently staying at my sister's house in LA for a few days. From here I'll set out to Las Vegas to visit the grandparents for a few more days before setting out for my final destination...Cortez, Colorado. Yep, I am headed to the middle of the desert to explore ancient ruins and play in the dirt. I will try to update often to let everyone know how it's going.
I bought a new Canon SD450 digital camera for my trip and to test it out I took afew pictures of the stuff that's around my sister's home:

The above pictures are of this diner called Pepy's Galley. It's a small diner/coffee shop that's attached to a bowling alley. my sister found this place a while ago cause she wanted a breakfast joint and decided that of all the cute little resturants in the area, that the creepy bowling alley coffee joint looked the most appealing. As it turns out the food was great and the prices really resonable. So props to Em and her willingness to venture into scary looking joints.

Parking in LA is so bad, that it is actually legal to park your car half on the sidewalk and half in the street. We had to actually wait until people left for work before we could find this spot in front of my sister's apartment.

After the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe....there was Ikea. I carted this dresser to Em's house from Oakland, and then we spent two hours creating it. Unfortunately when you lock someone in it, there is no back door to a mytical land...guess I'll have to keep looking.

Lastly, but only till I leave the house on take more crazy pictures...The Boot Jr.!...Yes, The Boot. My sister's infamous broken foot walking shoe passed away do to much abuse and the official declaration of her doctor that it was, "Disgusting!" So we said goodbye to The Boot and now welcome The Boot Jr.
This site states that people should be able to comment. So if you love me...please feel free to drop me a line.
Hi Robby,
Miss you already......WoW.....what an adventure
Fantastic photos.
Aunt K
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